Account Opening

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Trading Account Opening Form

Foreign investors need to fill a Trading Account Opening Form with UniCap Securities Limited. Foreign Investors need to send the scanned copy of the form to UniCap Securities Limited, dully filled and signed by authorized personnel. They also need to send the scanned copy of other required documents mentioned below:


For Institutional Investors:

  • Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • TIN Certificate
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Trade License
  • Foreign Currency Bank Account
  • Custodian Bank with Beneficiary Owner account holder
  • Board Resolution to open BO and Trading Account


Note: All the above documents have to be attested by either the Bangladesh Embassy or notarized by a notary public.



For Individual Investors:


Beneficiary Owners Account (BO)

The client can open a BO account directly with the desired broker or the custodian can open a BO account with the client’s desired broker with the client’s written order. The following documents are required:


  • Complete Account Opening Form
  • 5 Copies Passport Size Photograph of the Client
  • Valid Passport Photocopy
  • Bank Statement
  • Salary statement/Pay-slip
  • TAX Identification Number/ TIN Certificate
  • 2 Copies of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee (Attested by Applicant at the back of the photo)
  • Employer Certificate


Note: All the above documents have to be attested by either the Bangladesh Embassy or notarized by a notary public.


For BO account opening, foreign investors need to open a Custodian Account with any custodian bank in Bangladesh. Together with BO account opening, the custodian bank will facilitate other account opening, such as Cash Account (or NITA A/C), Securities A/C, and F/C Account. Followings are the custodian banks in Bangladesh:

  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
  • Citi NA
  • BRAC Bank Limited
  • Dhaka Bank Limited
  • Southeast Bank Limited
  • Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited
  • Commercial Bank of Ceylon
  • Agrani Bank Limited


Trading Account

The client and the custodian both are authorized to open a BO account with the client’s desired broker. The following documents are required:  


  • Complete Account Opening Form
  • 5 Copies Passport Size Photograph of the Client
  • Valid Passport Photocopy
  • Bank Statement/Pay slip
  • Salary statement
  • TAX Identification Number/ TIN Certificate
  • 2 Copies of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee (Attested by Applicant at the back of the photo)
  • Passport Photocopy of the Nominee
  • Employer Certificate


Note: All the above documents have to be attested by either the Bangladesh Embassy or notarized by a notary public.